Download our free business guide e-book

We have published a free e-book titled ‘The SME Guide’ to provide small and medium business owners with resources that can help you learn how to start, run, grow, and safe-keep their business effectively in Nigeria.

Select which of these best describes you

  • No, I don't have a business
  • Yes, I have a registered business
  • Yes, but I need help registering my business

In this e-book, you'll learn:

  • 1

    The processes of getting started

    The first section of this book contains chapters that teach you how to write a successful business plan, how to raise capital for your company, and why you should register your company.

  • 2

    Running your business

    This section discusses social media, effective customer service, business tax, and business accounting tips.

  • 3

    Growing your business

    This section was written for businesses in the growth stage, and it covers everything from opening your business to international markets to simple growth tactics, hiring, and business credit.

  • 4

    Safe-keeping your business

    Finally, the chapters in this section will teach you how to protect your business from fraud, how to avoid business bankruptcy, and much more.

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Brought to you by Brass, the financial partner for your business.

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Read our business guide series

Why you need a separate business current account

Why you need a separate business current account

The reason for them and how to open a Brass account

Working on the right idea

Working on the right idea

How to figure out the right business idea for you.

What you need to know about business credit

What you need to know about business credit

How business credit can work for you.