Open an account


Top tools you need to get started

Get a business-ready current account that lets you focus on what's important - your business. Great services, resources and all the support you need to run successful shop.


Get a complete view of your business' performance and its financial health round the clock.

Always improving to meet your needs

With a line of products on our roadmap, you can keep doing your best work while we work on the tools and services you need.

Inventory management

Inventory management

Keep track of your inventory and simplify every order associated with your retail account

Online presence

Online presence

Take your business online with a custom, shareable webpage that serves and promotes your business.

Some of the things you may want to know

We answered questions so you don’t have to ask them.

How does team banking work for my account?
How do I set up invoices with my account?

Fast account opening

Open a commercial-grade current account from anywhere fast.


Rely on bank-grade security with all your monies fully insured by NDIC


Get access to a trusted support team and resources whenever you want

Get started with ease for free

Get all the best financial products for your business growth for free.
Open the last current account you will ever need for your business