How Korede balances life being a brand designer and a civil engineering student

Today’s spotlight is on brand designer, Korede who balances work and school like a pro

How Korede balances life being a brand designer and a civil engineering student


What do you do at Brass?

I’m a brand designer at Brass.

How did you become a designer? Is that what you studied in school? And how did you find yourself in brand design?

I am currently studying civil engineering at uni; however, I used to draw a lot growing up. Because of how much I loved it, I initially wanted to be an architect. I started learning how to design before I got admission and just fleshed out my love for drawing from there.

How are you able to balance being in school and working?

Honestly, it hasn’t been difficult. I can manage my time well, and I also have a very understanding team lead. I can communicate whenever I have impromptu tests or coursework. The downside to this is I don’t have a lot of free time. It is either work or school.

I’ve seen a lot of people go from studying architecture to being a designer. Is that a common pipeline?

Yes it is. They are similar because both of them require creativity, shapes, dimensions and just overall drawing. It’s usually an easier transition from architecture to design.

How did you hear about Brass?

I have been following Brass since 2021, shortly after their rebrand. Their designs were excellent and very visually appealing. It caught my attention.

What made you choose to work at Brass?

The brand. It’s very bold, very confident. It’s more on the slightly rebellious side of things. You can tell they put a lot of effort in their branding. I wanted to work with a company that puts a lot of effort into how they look, their tone and how they are perceived. It says a lot about them.

What’s the one thing you’ve learned working here that has helped you grow?

Working at Brass has made me understand that there are other aspects to a business than what you’re employed to do. You have to do your research, you have to be able to keep up with conversations, manage people, and you have to be able to communicate your point in such a way that there is no significant difference between what they know and what you know. It’s all the other aspects of design that don’t involve you using software. It’s made me a better designer and colleague.

As a brand designer, how does your work impact financial lives?

By improving brand trust. A well-designed financial user experience motivates customers to want to use their application more. There is a peace of mind you get when you see your financial provider coming up with creative solutions and designs to back it up. It’s just like how people are happy whenever there is an Apple event.

If you were not a brand designer, what would you be doing?

I would have found myself in the psychology field. I am fascinated by what makes people do what they do. The entire complexity is compelling to me.

What do you love the most about working in your team?

It’s like a family, almost like you have an extension of yourself. My team is the best for real. No team comes close.

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